Marketing Applications
100% free Marketing Applications for your websites

Making use of our Marketing Applications, you’re able to concentrate on your website’s popularity directly from your Online Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you can get a comprehensive sitemap for your site within a few minutes. You could send the sitemap to the search engines so that they could index your web site as quickly as possible. Moreover, through the RSS News syndication software, you can easily install consistently kept up to date content on your website, which is actually a promise for greater listing positions with the major search engines. Our GeoIP redirection application will allow you to route customers coming from a particular place towards a specific language variation of your web site for more accurate targeting end results.
A Sitemap Generator
Make a sitemap with all your web pages in a mouse click
The best method of getting your newly launched site indexed by the search engines is to submit a sitemap. The sitemap records the whole set of pages on your site and by posting it to a search engine, you notify it that you would like those pages to be scanned as soon as possible. Sitemaps are typically generated by third–party tools. Nevertheless, with us, you don’t have to move away from your Online Control Panel.’s in–house made Sitemap Generator is included within the Advanced Applications part and is going to complete a sitemap on your behalf in a click of the mouse.
All you should do is choose the highest quantity of pages you desire to be listed, the range of the indexed URLs along with the format of the sitemap document.
GeoIP Redirection
Effortless location–based re–direction
We provide you with a quick tool, which will allow you to sort the visitors to your site in accordance with their location. For instance, using the GeoIP redirection tool, you can quickly direct all of the visitors from Spain towards the Spanish variant of your site in case you have such. This will help you target your web visitors much more accurately and offer them with the onsite stay they expect to have.
No special capabilities or tech comprehension are needed to work with the GeoIP redirection tool, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the task.
RSS News
Present the most current headlines on your web site
What is actually RSS? RSS is a technique for distributing and accumulating site content. It is being frequently used by information web sites, individual weblogs, newscasts, and so forth. The presented content is readily collected by an RSS reader and after that displayed to the user. Working with RSS, users can easily pick up updates from different web sites and go over them in one area.
With the RSS News Publication tool, you can quickly include news feeds from some of the world’s most widely used publication channels and present them on you website.