Our PHP Framework Installer is designed to make it easier to install entire PHP frameworks for your website, with zero configuration required from you. You don’t need to search for the most recent release of a framework for your projects and invest numerous hours on getting it and also configuring it. Now you have every tool accessible right inside your Online Control Panel, provided in a convenient to use interface.

Different frameworks available

Launch your web undertaking using a framework

When using the PHP Framework Installer built into the UrlGuru.com Online Control Panel, it is also possible to implement diverse PHP frameworks, each one delivering a special collection of features and uses: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each PHP framework is modified to the latest stable version and its installation demands simply no setup at all.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework set up

Your personal PHP framework is just a click away

The PHP Framework Installer is designed to run on the same basic principle as our App Installer – using small effort on your end as well as the system performing all the hard work for you. PHP frameworks are installed with just a number of clicks with no setup demanded by you. All you need to do is choose the location of the PHP framework. That’s all.

We have a record of the set up PHP frameworks and you’re able to un–install every PHP framework you don’t need with a click.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The easiest way for you to back up a framework

Every good coder knows that it’s fundamental to keep a backup of one’s venture to rely upon in the case of an issue. Because of this, we integrated a 1–click backup instrument in the PHP Framework Installer. It may help you to back up your current framework and all of the alterations you have made, with simply a mouse click.

There’s no backup restriction. Provided you have available disk space within your account, you could make as many backups as you would like.

1-click backup