If you ever experience a problem with your site and are incapable of dealing with it on your own, ask the hosting company’s support team to help you get the site back online. A prompt resolution would be the perfect scenario, but lots of hosting companies answer within 24 hours or even more, particularly if you are working with a reseller. Even if your problem can be solved without much difficulty, your site may not function correctly or it may not be reachable whatsoever for a longer stretch of time, so you may lose potential customers because it is extremely unlikely that anyone would be willing to revisit a site that’s broken. That being said, you have to make certain not only that you can touch base with your hosting provider, but also that they can answer and assist you in a timely manner. If a web app update does not proceed smoothly or if you delete something accidentally, for instance, the site should be fixed promptly so as to prevent long inaccessibility.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting
Our guaranteed max reaction time for any tech support ticket that you open or any e-mail that you write is just 60 minutes, even if you contact us during weekends and official holidays. Whatever the nature of your issue or query may be, we’ll lend a hand momentarily and will supply you with the necessary information to sort out any problem with your websites. The real reaction time normally does not surpass fifteen to twenty minutes, which is the reason why you can just forget about waiting around for hours on end to get a problem sorted out or what’s even worse – waiting around a whole day only to receive a reply that more info is required while nothing’s fixed. We will offer you assistance in an instant solely because we know just how valuable time can be in the dynamic online sphere. The one-hour reply time guarantee applies to any billing or technical question that you might have about our Linux web hosting.